Let's see some examples, Virginia.

Subject: Let's see some examples, Virginia.
From: David Oberstadt <daveo -at- VNET -dot- IBM -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 1994 10:23:35 PDT

Virginia Krenn (asdxvlk -at- OKWAY -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU) writes:

Because the e at the end of a syllable determines the pronunciation
of the other vowel in the syllable, I would opt for scaleable (sounds
like pale as opposed to scalable (sounds like pal). There may be
exceptions to this rule. But, this is generally true.

Not to flame, Virginia, but I'd like some examples of this
thing you say is 'generally true.' I suppose everything has
exceptions (with exceptions, of course) but just off the top
of my head:

page --> paging
skate --> skating
drape --> draping
gape --> gaping
brake --> braking
stage --> staging
rage --> raging
forage --> foraging
storage --> storing
bore --> boring
snore --> snoring
deplore --> deploring

Or maybe it's just a general rule in Oklahoma. I've
never been there. I know these don't all exactly match
your point, but I think I found a more general rule
than yours.

David Oberstadt Santa Teresa Lab
daveo -at- vnet -dot- ibm -dot- com San Jose, California

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