Indexers - Tucson Area

Subject: Indexers - Tucson Area
From: "Nancy S. Burns" <nburns -at- NOAO -dot- EDU>
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 1994 09:19:23 -0825

I am looking for an indexer who might be interested in speaking to our
local STC (Society for Technical Communication) group about indexing this
fall in Tucson, Arizona. If you know of any one who lives in this area or
may be coming to Tucson for a seminar, please respond directly to me at:
nburns -at- noao -dot- edu -dot-

Nancy S. Burns
National Solar Observatory
Tucson, Arizona
e-mail: nburns -at- noao -dot- edu

"Writing a poem is taking over the 200-inch telescope carefully focused on
the galaxies born at the beginning of the universe and turning it to look
at a child eating mystery meat and string beans 300 miles away." from
"Incantation to Overcome Writer's Block, Maybe" by Lisa Yount.

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