Re: Caryn's right!

Subject: Re: Caryn's right!
From: "Vollbach, Elizabeth" <evollbach -at- LOGICON -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 1994 15:37:52 PST

Looks like I should explain myself. I only use "Ms." to be different from
Bernstein's "Miss" because I disagree with him sometimes, but I also disagree
with his Miss T., too.

And, yes, we did discuss "Ms./Ms" before. I'm still not sure about that. My
feeling is "Ms" is a word Gloria S made up. "Ms" isn't an abbreviation for
anything as are "Mr." and "Mrs." So, like "Miss," "Ms" probably shouldn't have
the period. But my dictionary spells it with a period. It's a case of do
whatever, I guess. Beth
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Subject: Caryn's right!
Author: Richard_G_Sobocinski%~WHC207 -at- ccmail -dot- pnl -dot- gov at INTERNET-MAIL
Date: 7/15/94 3:18 PM

Yes, Caryn, it certainly would be ideal if we all tried to adhere to
the same writing standards. The reason technical writers and editors
exist is simply because they can relay information so it is readable
and usable. And how much more readable and usable would that
information be if only writing standards were more standardized and
less whatever-you-want-ish! That's exactly my point in my "Ms.
Thistlebottom" column in our STC newsletter. And that's why I call
her "Ms." rather than Berstein's "Miss." Beth

If Berstein's character title is widely known as -= Miss =-
then I'm confused as to why you think changing it to -=Ms.=-

advances the idea of standards? On a related note, I
recall a recent thread somewhere discussing whether it was

"Ms." or "Ms" or "MS" and the various bases. Just some

thoughts. :)

rxs459 -at- fep1 -dot- rl -dot- gov

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