Any brilliant strategies for release notes? [was Re: So who is truly tougher?]

Subject: Any brilliant strategies for release notes? [was Re: So who is truly tougher?]
From: Kelly Hoffman <kelly -at- NASHUA -dot- HP -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 1994 13:58:59 EDT

Heli Roosild <HeliR -at- MSMAILHQ -dot- NETIMAGE -dot- COM> writes:

> How can these otherwise intelligent people be so apparently clueless
> about the common denominator between an email flame and the punch in
> the jaw or slash of the knife of, say, a wife- or child-abuser.

<begin sarcsastic tone>

Well, now that the [wife | child] abuser analogy has been made, all we
need is the obligatory Hitler analogy, and we can close this thread once
and for all.

<end sarcastic tone>

Let's get back to tech writing (remember that?)...

How do you folks, particularly those of you who write software docs,
handle release notes for a product? do you just produce a laundry
list of items that have changed?

I'm interested in any alternative strategies that have worked for
you and your readers.


Kelly K. Hoffman kelly -at- nashua -dot- hp -dot- com
Learning Products Engineer
Hewlett-Packard, Network Test Division "Reading the manual is
One Tara Blvd., Nashua, NH 03062 admitting defeat."

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