Survey Results: Writer, Editor, or Both

Subject: Survey Results: Writer, Editor, or Both
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 1994 15:51:49 PDT

Well, I was hoping to get 100 responses (making the conversion to percentages
a snap), but my little survey has pretty much petered out at 97 (maybe I won't
consider the results official until I hit 100--and no fair responding twice!).
But I did promise to post results today, so here they are.

In response to my survey request (send me a note with WRITER, EDITOR, or BOTH
to indicate what your job function includes), I've discovered that the
overwhelming majority of technical writers on this list (who check email on
Thursdays and Fridays and are inclined to respond to surveys) perform both job
functions. The breakdown is:

Writer: 12 Editor: 3 Both: 82

Thanks to all who responded--this is better than a 10% response rate (most
surveys conducted via regular mail are lucky to hit 5%). This certainly tells
me what I needed to know.
Rich Julius Oracle Corporation
Senior Technical Writer Box 659504
Decision Support Systems 500 Oracle Parkway
(415) 506-4971 Redwood Shores, CA 94065

President, Berkeley Chapter, Society for Technical Communication

"The advantage of a classical education is that it enables you to despise
the wealth which it prevents you from achieving." --Russell Green

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