Does anyone know about SIGDOC?

Subject: Does anyone know about SIGDOC?
From: Ilana Levenson <tmc!ilana -at- UUNET -dot- UU -dot- NET>
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 1994 11:16:42 -0400

Hi all,

I just received information about a conference called SIGDOC in Alberta Canada.

I haven't heard of SIGDOC before, but the conference sounds interesting.

Has anyone attended these conferences before? If so, can you tell me a little
bit about
them. How many people attend and who it is aimed at (academia or marketplace)?
Some of the topics seem interesting to me, but it's quite far and expensive to
attend, so I
need to know more about it before deciding whether or not it is really worth it
to me.


The topic this year is

Technical Communicators at the Great Divide

Some of the workshops are:
Contextual inquiry: Grounding Your Design in User's Work (full day)
Human Factors in Multimedia Communications (half day)
Tour of the Internet: Getting up to speed on the information highway
An Overview and Introduction to Mosaic and the World Wide Web (some of you might
interested in this considering the recent thread of WWW) - 1/4 day
Online Help - Miminimizing costs - 1/4 day
Visual Design Tools 1/4 day
Development and the Customer 1/4 day
Creating a CD Rom 1/4 day

Thanks for all your information. Either post to the list or email to me
privately - whatever
seems appropriate.

-ilana katz
ilana -at- monitor -dot- com
Monitor Company
Cambridge, MA

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