Re: Putting a logo in the background of a text page

Subject: Re: Putting a logo in the background of a text page
From: Larry Grinnell <eq501lg -at- PTS -dot- MOT -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 1994 08:37:00 EDT

In message <199407052059 -dot- AA10022 -at- motgate -dot- mot -dot- com> writes:
> I tried Karl Vogel's Postscript code to add the word "Draft" in gray behind
> the
> text in my manual. It worked great, but only on the first page, of course.
> But
> I can't go inserting the code for each page of a 300 page manual. And since
> I live in the DOS-OS/2-Windows world, I can't use Chris's script. Can some
> Postscript guru out there come up with a modification to Karl's code, whereby
> I
> can pop it into the top of my Postscript file and have it automatically print
> "Draft" on each page?


Have you tried putting the text, in gray (or some color) on your master pages
underneath the text frames? If you set it in some color other than black,
you can use the color viewer function to "turn that color off" when you print
your final pages.

Alternately, code something in your header on your master pages, again in some
color other than black so you can turn it off later. Some of the folks in my
office are using that tack with good success. Should work OK. Note: If you
choose "some color," it will print as 50% black on your printer. If that's too
dark, try creating a custom color of, say, 20% to 30% black. That should do it.

The selective turning on and off of colors is the way we used to have to do
spot color separations in Frame 3.x, generating two separate PostScript files.
Unfortunately, we STILL have to do that with Frame 4.0.4 (Mac), as we have
discovered a bug (verified by Frame) when doing spot color separations, with
registration marks, on a nonstandard page size, with Pantone colors selected
inside the program. One or all these combinations seem to cause the problem.
We were doing a small user guide (2-1/2 x 4 inches) and every time I tried
to do the separation, I got a "Application Unexpectedly Quit With Error of
Type 4" error. Oh yeah, I was using the Finnish language hyphenation
dictionary (no, I don't speak it), and the file had a few custom fonts,
created in Fontographer by people in this organization. When Frame tried
to test the same file, it crashed their computers entirely. They claimed that
when they turned the registration marks off, the file didn't crash. Whoopie!
I really need those registration and crop marks!

Workaround? Do your separations the old way--turn off everything but black
for the first set of PostScript files, and then do a separate PostScript
file, turning off all colors except the spot color desired. Whew!

Larry Grinnell

Larry Grinnell
Motorola, Inc., Paging Products Group
email to elg001 -at- email -dot- mot -dot- com
"The One Who Dies With The Most Fonts, Wins!"

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