Re: Putting a logo in the background of a text page

Subject: Re: Putting a logo in the background of a text page
From: Mike Christie <mikec -at- SYNTEL -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 1994 13:53:48 PDT

I tried Karl Vogel's Postscript code to add the word "Draft" in gray behind the
text in my manual. It worked great, but only on the first page, of course. But
I can't go inserting the code for each page of a 300 page manual. And since
I live in the DOS-OS/2-Windows world, I can't use Chris's script. Can some
Postscript guru out there come up with a modification to Karl's code, whereby I
can pop it into the top of my Postscript file and have it automatically print
"Draft" on each page?


Mike Christie
Technical Writer
Syntelligence Systems, Inc.
mikec -at- syntel -dot- com

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