Project/Document Management Software

Subject: Project/Document Management Software
From: "Kathleen G. Nosbisch" <kat -at- SOLBOURNE -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 1994 10:27:56 MDT

If anyone out there is using project or document management
and/or tracking software, can you please answer the following
questions about it?

1. Name of software

2. Company producing it
(phone, fax, and/or address would be great too!)

3. A few things you like about it/don't like about it

4. Estimated cost

5. Platform running it

I'll summarize to the net if there's interest.

Right now, am doing all project management tasks with
paper & pencil (and a lot of erasers), but there's gotta
be a better way! Am also looking for something that's not
too terribly time-consuming.

Thanks a bunch!!

Kathleen Nosbisch Solbourne Computer, Inc.
Technical Writer 1900 Pike Road
kat -at- solbourne -dot- com Longmont, Colorado 80501

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