Re: style questions

Subject: Re: style questions
From: "Barbara J. Philbrick" <burkbrick -at- AOL -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 1994 16:44:07 EDT

> 1) If, by convention, you always include file names in quotes, what do
> you do when the file name appears at the end of a sentence...where does
>the period go?

Technically (according to _Chicago_Manual_of_Style), punctuation always goes
inside quotes. However, your concern about people thinking the period is part
of the file name is valid, so I'll make exceptions to those cases.

I've started using other style conventions, such as bold, italics, or a
different font to avoid the issue. Too many quotes can also make a document
"messy" and hard to read (although too many font styles can, too), so I find
this is usually the better option.

>2) When a filename ends in a period and is at the end of a sentence, do
>you add the period for punctuation? Or, would you just rewrite the

I'd rewrite!


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