Date-stamping and other problems with digests

Subject: Date-stamping and other problems with digests
From: Patrick O'Connell <patricko -at- EICON -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 1994 11:39:00 PDT

I'm subscribed to both techwr-l and winhlp-l and receive both in digest
format. Today I received for techwr-l what must be the digest for April
21-22, but is stamped as "digest for April 20-21," just like the previous
one (the two differ in content). For winhlp-l it looked like th same thing
had happened, but it was actually the previous day's digest arriving 24
hours late. The one before (19th-20th) I simply never received.

Is anyone else out there having either of these problems?

|Patrick Brian O'Connell > Intermediate Technical Writer|
|Internet: patricko -at- eicon -dot- com < Eicon Technology Corporation|
|Tel: (H) 514-482-9279 > (B) 514-631-9825 x250|
.------"Ciall agus neart">>>>>>>>>>>>>>"Strength and knowledge"-----.
|"At my lemonade stand I used to give the first glass away free and |
| charge five dollars for the second glass. The refill contained |
| the antidote." -- Emo Phillips |

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