TechWhirl (TECHWR-L) is a resource for technical writing and technical communications professionals of all experience levels and in all industries to share their experiences and acquire information.
For two decades, technical communicators have turned to TechWhirl to ask and answer questions about the always-changing world of technical communications, such as tools, skills, career paths, methodologies, and emerging industries. The TechWhirl Archives and magazine, created for, by and about technical writers, offer a wealth of knowledge to everyone with an interest in any aspect of technical communications.
Subject:Lists Related to Tech. Comm. From:Brad Mehlenbacher <brad_m -at- UNITY -dot- NCSU -dot- EDU> Date:Tue, 19 Apr 1994 12:53:54 -0400
Jim Venis inquires after other lists of interest to technical
communicators; attached is a message that I send to new members of our
list, TECHCOMM. Hope it's useful, and apologies for the cross-posting!
Yours, Brad.
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/ .:::.\
@@@@@@@@.:::::::::::.@@@@@@@@ Listname: techcomm
@@@@@@@@.:::::::::::::.@@@@@@@@ Address: techcomm -at- listserv -dot- ncsu -dot- edu
@@@@@@@.::::::'@@@`::::.@@@@@@@ or techcomm -at- ncsu -dot- edu
@@@@@@.::::'@@@@@@@@@`::.@@@@@@ Listowner: brad_m -at- unity -dot- ncsu
@.::'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@` -dot- -at- ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~
Hi Folks: Version 1.3: 4/17/94
What follows is a list of LISTSERVs you might find intriguing,
interesting, or worth joining to come to your own conclusions (I'm a
member of only a fraction of these lists, so any reactions to their
usefulness, should you join any of them, will help inform future issues of
_this_ list).
The format of the list is as follows:
Brine Shrimp: listserv -at- uga -dot- cc -dot- uga -dot- edu sub brine-l fn ln
^ ^ ^
List Topic listserv -at- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- 1st line of message
Abbreviated no subject header necessary sub=subscribe
(by the way, the above is an _existing_ list, no kidding!).
**Lists of Interest to Technical Communication Researchers/Practitioners**
Technical Writing: listserv -at- vm1 -dot- ucc -dot- okstate -dot- edu sub techwr-l fn ln
Megabyte University: @ttuvm1.bitnet mbu-l
Cyberjournal for Rhetoric @mizzou1.bitnet rhetnt-l
Technoculture tnc
Rhet, Language, Prof. Writing purtopoi
Business Ethics: buseth-l
AI & Law: ail-l
CD-ROM: cdpub
Cybernetics: @bingvmb.bitnet cybsys-l
Cyperspace: @kentvm.bitnet ejvc-l
Organizational Psychology: @uga.bitnet ioob-l
Total Quality Management: @pucc.princeton quality
History of Technology: @sivm.bitnet shothc-l
Hist. of Philosophy of Science: hopos-l
Hist. of Authorship, Publishng: sharp-l
Virtual Reality: virtu-l
PageMaker: pagemakr
Desktop Publishing: dtp-l
Science & Education: @pltumk11.bitnet appl-l
Software Engineering Ethics: @utkvm1.bitnet ethcse-l
Computer Ethics: ethics-l
History & Computing: sigpast
HyperCard: hypercrd
IBM PCs: i-ibmpc
Image Processing: @trearn.bitnet image-l
Latest Computing Advances: @utfsm.bitnet adv-info
Network Law & Policies: @wmvm1.bitnet cyberlaw
Macintosh Programming: @wuvmd.bitnet macprog
Macintosh System Software: macsystm
Macintosh Software Archives: info-mac
Video Production/Operations: vidpro-l
Multimedia: @umdd.bitnet imamedia
Macintosh Multimedia: @fccj.bitnet macmulti
Multimedia in Education: @itesmvf1.bitnet mmedia-l
Computer-Assisted Research: carr-l
Software Reviews: softrevu
MS Word for DOS/Windows: word-pc
MS Word for Macintoshs: word-mac
WordPerfect for Windows: wpwin-l
All WordPerfect Users: @uottawa.bitnet wp51-l
Technology & Disabilities: l-hcap
Study of Higher Education: @mizzou1.bitnet ashe-l
New Educational Methods: newedu-l
Alternative Learning: @sjuvm.bitnet altlearn
Science Teaching: ascd-sci
Engineering Problem Solving: cre8tv-l
English Language List: words-l
Literature & Related Topics: litera-l
ESL Teaching & Research: slart-l
Feminism, Science, Technology: fist
New Lists List: new-list
Navigating the Internet: navigate
Net Issues & Events: net-happenings
The Online World: tow
Network Trainers List: nettrain
Information Technology: edupage
Project Gutenberg E-Texts: gutnberg
Journalism Copyediting: copyediting-l
Consultants: @mcgill1.bitnet cons-l
Research Methodologies: @rpitsvm.bitnet methods
Mass Communications: @rpitsvm.bitnet masscomm
Cat Lovers: feline-l
Canadian Issues: canada-l
Star Trek @pccvm.bitnet strfleet
Hope that the above is useful! Cheers, Brad.
P.S.-->The last three lists are personal favorites ;^)
Brad Mehlenbacher Phone: (919) 515-4138
Assistant Professor Fax: (919) 515-1836
Technical Communication E-mail: brad_m -at- unity -dot- ncsu -dot- edu
English Department
NC State University A squat grey building of only thirty-four
Raleigh, NC 27695-8105 stories. (Huxley, _Brave New World_).