Punctuation in bulleted/numbered lists

Subject: Punctuation in bulleted/numbered lists
From: Sean O'Donnell-Brown <sodonnell -at- CCMAIL -dot- WIU -dot- BGU -dot- EDU>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 1994 10:54:18 CST

[Please respond to me personally about the following, not to the list (I'll
forward info to anyone who requests it)]

Does anyone know of or has anyone come across guidelines for punctuation and
conjunctions (and, or) in bulleted/numbered lists? Ever encountered any other
guidelines for such lists?

Specifically, is the bullet/number itself considered adequate "punctuation" for
separating the items in the list? What about the use of conjunctions at the end
of the penultimate item (or between the penultimate and last items) of the
list? What about end punctuation at the end of the last item? Does it matter
whether the stem introducing the list ends in a colon (or is otherwise an
independent clause)?

Any information you can give me or resources you can point me toward would be
greatly appreciated.


sodonnell -at- ccmail -dot- wiu -dot- bgu -dot- edu

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