<Q> Degree in Computers, MM & Edu

Subject: <Q> Degree in Computers, MM & Edu
From: Aldo J Caputo <ACAPUTO -at- ACS -dot- SAULTC -dot- ON -dot- CA>
Date: Sun, 17 Apr 1994 22:10:55 -0500

I'd like to pose this question to those out there who may have
experience or knowledge in this career area, since guides at my disposal
have proved inadequate and/or out of date for this field.

I'm looking for colleges or universities which offer
degree programs in computers, and multimedia design and development, and
their uses in education and training.

I'd like to keep fairly close to this region of N. America (Michigan/Ontario).
Distance Ed options would also be a bonus.

I have a BA and a teaching degree, so a graduate program would be ideal,
but information on appropriate undergrad degrees would also be welcome.

Currently, I'm teaching communication courses, but I would like to get
involved with multimedia development for the classroom and individual
training. I'm also interested in other technology for alternative
delivery such as distance education. Any information would be helpful
in deciding which education to pursue.

Aldo J Caputo Faculty, Language & Communication
Sault College of Applied Arts & Technology
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario CANADA
acaputo -at- acs -dot- saultc -dot- on -dot- ca

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