Finding a Tech writing Coop

Subject: Finding a Tech writing Coop
From: Albert Frederick Statti <astatti -at- TUBA -dot- AIX -dot- CALPOLY -dot- EDU>
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 1994 16:55:31 -0700

I'm an English major working on a technical writing certificate at
California Polytechnic, and I've begun looking for a Technical Writing Coop
for Summer and Fall. I would like to find a company in the Bay area. If
you know of or work for an interesting company, in the bay area, who
hires students on Coop, or for an internship, could you send me the
company's name and location. I would appreciate it if you could also
include the phone number of the companies personel department.

Sincerely, Albert Statti

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