Re: renaming Help

Subject: Re: renaming Help
From: Chuck Martin <techwriter -at- VNET -dot- IBM -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 1994 14:28:43 PDT

I might want to question the viability of the Unix "man" command. I was
forced to use Unix systems on campus, and the times when I needed help
and used that were generally unsuccessful: even when the command worked
to give me some information (not a given), the information was frequently

Steve, you say that you looked at Windows Help and found it lacking.
You probably looked not at "Windows Help," but a specific Help file
in Windows, a file that was probably poorly developed. With a well-written
Help file, you would not encounter the problems you did.

And no, I would not change the name. "Help" is short, direct, and most
importantly, descriptive. Calling it vague shows that it can be open to
interpretation--but tha's true for a lot of things. Trying to narrow it
down by coming up with overly specific, multi-syllabic terminology I'd
wager would just confuse users. "Help" is easy to understand, by users
from 6 to 60, by programmers, company presidents, dishwashers, factory
workers, and more. This is one thing that ain't broke, so don't "fix" it!

Chuck Martin
Information Developer, IBM
techwriter -at- vnet -dot- ibm -dot- com
"The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play."
- Star Trek, "Shore Leave"

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