Re: Windows Style Guide -- now I'm confused...

Subject: Re: Windows Style Guide -- now I'm confused...
From: Jack Shaw <jsh -at- SOFTWARE-AG -dot- DE>
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 1994 13:29:16 MEZ

Are y'all talking about something called:

The GUI Guide/International Terminology for The
Windows Interface

ISBN 1-55615-538-7

-- from the Microsoft Press?

If so, I can exhale now because that's what we
bought. If not, I'll exhale anyway because I love
spending more of the co.'s money...besides, you were
all dying to know that a "command separator" in Finnish
is a:

komentojen erotinviiva

Now, I don't know if you read that the way I read that,
but I think it's a good idea that there's SOMETHING in
there to do some separating...

A. N. Alfabett

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