You want SGML? You get...

Subject: You want SGML? You get...
From: Jack Shaw <jsh -at- SOFTWARE-AG -dot- DE>
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 1994 13:15:57 MEZ

...inundated if you hook up to the following
advocacy list:

TEI-L -at- UICVM -dot- UIC -dot- EDU

"TEI" is the Text Encoding Initiative, a study/advocacy
group that has immersed it/themselves in the SGML
topic. Now, there isn't a lot of interaction on the
list (I've been there about two months...), but they
have an overwhelming ftp archive at:

SGML -at- UK -dot- AC -dot- EXETER

-- where there's stuff like:

* IBMIDDOC (the BookManager follow-on that IBM
has purportedly planned...)

* ISO8879 (SGML ISO standard -- look for something
called the (nicely done) Annotated Bibl. and List
of Resources

* COURSES (Univ./College courses covering SGML)

* CoST (the Copenhagen SGML Tool for translation of
SGML-based stuff

* HyTime (A standard and, I think, available SGML
encoding tool that is giving IBM BookManager envelopers
a nervous disorder... oodles of stuff you'll never need to know.

And sorry about the missing closing ")" thingies up
there, but I get SO excited...excuse me, have to go away.

Jack Shaw (I guess...)
jsh -at- software-ag -dot- de
Somewhere in deepest, darkest Germany (it rains a lot

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