:) Happy forwarding!!! (fwd)

Subject: :) Happy forwarding!!! (fwd)
From: "MURDOCK. STEVEN E." <MURD3559 -at- VARNEY -dot- IDBSU -dot- EDU>
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 1994 12:12:49 LCL

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------

Forwarded by: "LYONS. MELISSA" <VARNEY/LYON3596>
Forwarded to: MURD3559
Date forwarded: Wed, 6 Apr 1994 11:06:52
Forwarded by: "WITT. MIKE" <VARNEY/WITT8953>
Forwarded to: "LYONS. MELISSA" <VARNEY/LYON3596>
Date forwarded: Wed, 6 Apr 1994 09:39:01
Forwarded by: "WAGGONER. BARRET" <VARNEY/WAGG5522>
Forwarded to: witt8953
Date forwarded: Mon, 4 Apr 1994 12:39:46
To: Wagg5522
Date sent: Mon, 4 Apr 1994 10:36:44
Subject: :) Happy forwarding!!! (fwd)

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------

Date sent: Thu, 31 Mar 1994 13:43:02 -0300 (ADT)
From: Diane Loubert <edl1496 -at- umoncton -dot- ca>
Subject: :) Happy forwarding!!! (fwd)
To: Ethan Kurtz <kurt5033 -at- varney -dot- idbsu -dot- edu>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 1994 00:52:51 -0300 (ADT)
From: Love and Peace <ers1535 -at- bosoleil -dot- ci -dot- umoncton -dot- ca>
To: edl1496 -at- bosoleil -dot- ci -dot- umoncton -dot- ca
Subject: :) Happy forwarding!!! (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 1994 19:08:49 -0800 (PST)
From: Travis Leippi <ua049 -at- ciao -dot- trail -dot- bc -dot- ca>
To: Distribution of Funny Stuff -- Alison Ehrich <aehrich -at- scuacc -dot- scu -dot- edu>,
Allegra Mendoza <amendoza -at- scuacc -dot- scu -dot- edu>,
Chris Pearson <cpearson -at- sol -dot- uvic -dot- ca>,
Dave Mauriello <davim44j -at- ciao -dot- trail -dot- bc -dot- ca>,
Irc drooler <drooler -at- new-orleans -dot- neosoft -dot- com>,
Brian Callaghan <btcallaghan -at- napier -dot- uwaterloo -dot- ca>,
Geoff Higginson <geofh43j -at- ciao -dot- trail -dot- bc -dot- ca>,
IRC Gin <aa2 -at- evansville -dot- edu>, Jim Doree <jdoree -at- gpu -dot- srv -dot- ualberta -dot- ca>,
Lorraine Lowe <chsclml -at- lusta -dot- latrobe -dot- edu -dot- au>,
Jason Cooper <jasoc40j -at- ciao -dot- trail -dot- bc -dot- ca>,
Jean Bloomfield <jeanb41j -at- ciao -dot- trail -dot- bc -dot- ca>,
Sean Bishop <u9110498 -at- muss -dot- cis -dot- mcmaster -dot- ca>,
Marcus Stephenson <marcs46j -at- ciao -dot- trail -dot- bc -dot- ca>,
Michael Cooper <michc40j -at- ciao -dot- trail -dot- bc -dot- ca>,
IRC Niccolo <claysa -at- shasta -dot- wwc -dot- edu>,
Moncton Guy <ers1535 -at- bosoleil -dot- ci -dot- umoncton -dot- ca>,
Stephanie Leippi <stepl54j -at- ciao -dot- trail -dot- bc -dot- ca>,
IRC Teddybear <cpitts -at- comp -dot- uark -dot- edu>, IRC Vizzini <umhc -at- [149 -dot- 15 -dot- 100 -dot- 6]>,
Inbal Gafni <gafni -at- fhs -dot- csu -dot- McMaster -dot- CA>,
Floyd Smith <fsmith -at- ciao -dot- trail -dot- bc -dot- ca>
Subject: :) Happy forwarding!!! (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 1994 16:44:44 -0500 (EST)
From: laura walker <lwalker -at- andy -dot- bgsu -dot- edu>
To: Travis Leippi <ua049 -at- ciao -dot- trail -dot- bc -dot- ca>
Subject: :) Happy forwarding!!! (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 1994 14:09:52 -0500 (EST)
From: melissa baudaillier <mbaudai -at- andy -dot- bgsu -dot- edu>
To: Laura walker <lwalker -at- andy -dot- bgsu -dot- edu>
Subject: :) Happy forwarding!!! (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 1994 10:21:35 -0700 (MST)
From: Liz Law <lawe -at- rintintin -dot- Colorado -dot- EDU>
To: Zach Miracle <miracle -at- ucsu -dot- Colorado -dot- EDU>,
Yoooooolie Bartsch <bartschj -at- rintintin -dot- Colorado -dot- EDU>,
Lauren Joanis <joanis -at- rintintin -dot- Colorado -dot- EDU>,
Melissa Baudaillier <mbaudai -at- andy -dot- bgsu -dot- edu>,
Janelle Hartman <hartman -dot- 81 -at- osu -dot- edu>,
Erik Poast <poast -at- rintintin -dot- Colorado -dot- EDU>,
Monica Lipkin <lipkin -at- ucsu -dot- Colorado -dot- EDU>,
SABRINY!!! <whitehos -at- rintintin -dot- Colorado -dot- EDU>,
Motorcycle Michael <shehata -dot- 3 -at- osu -dot- edu>,
Scott Federspiel <federspiel -at- aol -dot- com>,
Tyler Kinkade <kinkade -at- rintintin -dot- Colorado -dot- EDU>,
Taylor Clark <clarktc -at- ucsu -dot- Colorado -dot- EDU>,
Charlie Anderson <chanders -at- magnus -dot- acs -dot- ohio-state -dot- edu>,
Bob Mouk <rmouk -at- uceng -dot- uc -dot- edu>, Kris Larsen <larsenk -at- ucsu -dot- Colorado -dot- EDU>,
Yort Mill-ard <millardt -at- ucsu -dot- Colorado -dot- EDU>,
Phil Wilson <wilsonp -at- ucsu -dot- Colorado -dot- EDU>,
Webbeca Wemming <karen-dieltz -at- uiowa -dot- edu>,
Jen Bartenfelder <bartenfe -at- rintintin -dot- Colorado -dot- EDU>
Subject: :) Happy forwarding!!!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 1994 10:00:06 -0700 (MST)
From: MoonDreamer <bartenfe -at- rintintin -dot- Colorado -dot- EDU>
To: Liz Law <lawe -at- rintintin -dot- Colorado -dot- EDU>
Subject: :) (fwd) Forward from Anita :)

Forwarded message:
>From AME2075 -at- SIGMA -dot- TAMU -dot- EDU Mon Mar 28 09:37:16 1994
From: AME2075 -at- SIGMA -dot- TAMU -dot- EDU
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 1994 8:35:46 -0600 (CST)
To: bartenfe -at- ucsu -dot- colorado -dot- edu
Message-Id: <940328083546 -dot- 2060b759 -at- SIGMA -dot- TAMU -dot- EDU>
Subject: :)

From: ACS::SJD3974 25-MAR-1994 22:36:05.32
To: AME2075
Subj: :)

From: SMTP%"donglin -at- scs -dot- unr -dot- edu" 25-MAR-1994 21:08:36.76
To: SJD3974
Subj: Forwarded mail (fwd)

Date: Fri, 25 Mar 1994 19:08:21 -0800 (PST)
From: Dong Lin <donglin -at- scs -dot- unr -dot- edu>
Subject: Forwarded mail (fwd)
To: sjd3974 -at- zeus -dot- tamu -dot- edu
Message-Id: <Pine -dot- 3 -dot- 89 -dot- 9403251919 -dot- F7960-0100000 -at- shadow -dot- scs -dot- unr -dot- edu>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 1994 03:46:58 -0800 (PST)
From: Hailin Huang <hhuang -at- shadow>
To: donglin -at- shadow
Subject: Forwarded mail (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 94 15:52:22 PST
From: Jingsong Mo <mojing -at- ee -dot- unr -dot- edu>
To: hhuang -at- shadow
Subject: Forwarded mail

Believe it or not! But better be safe than sorry!

\\\|||/// \\\|||/// \\\|||///
. ======= . ======= . =======
/ \| O O | / \| O O | / \| O O |
\ / \v_'/ \ / \v_'/ \ / \v_'/
# _| |_ # _| |_ # _| |_
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#\//|* *|\\ #\//|* *|\\ #\//|* *|\\
#\/( * )/ #\/( * )/ #\/( * )//
# ===== # ===== # =====
# (\ /) # (\ /) # (\ /)
# || || # || || # || ||
.#---'| |----. .#---'| |----. .#---'| |----.
#----' -----' #----' -----' #----' -----'
This message has been sent to you for good luck. The original is in New
England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The luck has now
been sent to you.You will receive good luck within four days of receiving
this message - Provided you, in turn send it on. This is no joke. You will
receive good luck in the mail. But not money. Send copies to people you think
need good luck. Don't send money as fate has no price.Do not keep this message.
This message must leave your hands in 96 hours. A United States Air Force
Officer received 470,000 Dollars. Another Man received 40,000 Dollars and lost
it because he broke the chain. Whereas in the Philippines, Gene Welch lost
his wife 51 days after receiving the message. He failed to circulate the
message. However, before his death, he received 7,555,000 dollars. Please send
twenty copies and see what happen in four days. The chain comes from Venezuela
and has written by Saul De Groda, A Missionary from South America. Since the
copy must tour the world, you must make twenty copies and send them to friends
and associates - After a few days you will get a surprise - This is true, even
if you are not superstitious. Do not the following: Constantine Dias received
this chain in 1958. He asked his secretary to make twenty copies and send them
out. A few days later he won a lottery of two million dollars. Carlos Daditt,
an office employee, received the message and forgot that it had to leave his
hands in 96 hours.He lost his job. Later, after finding that message again, He
mailed twentycopies. A few days later he got a better job. Dalan Fairchild
received the message and, not believing - Threw the message away. Nine days
later he died. In 1987, The message received by a young woman in California
was very faded and barely readable. She promised herself that she would
retype the message and send it on, But she set it aside to do it later.
She was plagued with various problems, including expensive car repairs.
The letter did not leave her hands within 96 hours. She finally typed the
letter as promised and got a new car. Good Luck but please remember: 20
copies of this message must leave your hand

Hope you're having a great day!!

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