E-prime e.g.s sought

Subject: E-prime e.g.s sought
From: Randy Allen Harris <raha -at- WATARTS -dot- UWATERLOO -dot- CA>
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 1994 13:39:48 -0400

This isn't directly appropriate to the list, since I'm not looking for
tech-comm examples, but since there appear to be a number of e-prime
afficianados signed up, ...

If you know of any good short examples of e-prime writing, please send me
the bibliographic information. I am NOT looking for technical
communication examples, but more general pieces (history, philosophy,
popular essays, etc.). Please respond to me personally, and I'll collect a
list that anyone can have for the asking. Thanks very much.

-------======= * =======-------
Randy Allen Harris
raha -at- watarts -dot- uwaterloo -dot- ca

Rhetoric and Professional Writing, Department of English, University of
Waterloo, Waterloo ON N2L 3G1, CANADA; 519 885-1211, x5362; FAX: 519 884-8995

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