East Bay STC Upcoming Programs

Subject: East Bay STC Upcoming Programs
From: Marian Harry-Young <odinba!odin!marian -at- UUNET -dot- UU -dot- NET>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 1994 15:42:29 PST

East Bay STC Chapter Programs

Feb. 3 - Internal Usability Reviews: Achieving Documentation Quality -
How usable is your company's documentation? Are you using internal #011#reviews
to optimize the
usability of your documentation? SueAnn Spencer #011#will discuss the
goals of internal reviews, who should be involved in internal reviews, and the
steps involved in internal reviews. The characteristics of usable documentation
will also be reviewed. SueAnn Spencer is Product Usability Group Manager at
Micro Focus in Palo Alto, and a member of the Silicon Valley STC Chapter.

Mar. 3 - The New Look of Quality - ISO 9000 - ISO 9000 is becoming a heavily
used term these days. Is it just another "theme of the month" or is it the
rosetta stone of QUALITY? From GATT and NAFTA to the prospectus of many
corporations, from a contract writer job description to the STC strategic plan,
ISO 9000 is a key element. Heads up America, here comes the European
Community's (and world market's) insistence on QUALITY. And a major component
of that QUALITY is documentation, in the form of ISO 9000. Doug Booth, a
long-time corporate technical information developer and a trained ISO 9000 Lead
Assessor, will present the background of ISO 9000 and tell us how we can add
value to this standardized quality model.

Apr. 7 - A Guided Tour Through The Internet - Still wondering what the Internet
is and how it impacts on you and your work? Gary Gach makes the Internet
intelligible for the layperson. Gary is an "Internet Scout" who publishes net
news in the Whole Earth Review and Media File, and teaches Internet classes
through Media Alliance. Gary will define the Internet and its multitude of
resources, and tell us about the various tools that help us navigate this
network of networks.

Reservations - Call Doug Booth at 510-831-1098. Send checks to #011#East Bay
c/o Doug Booth, 204 Aptos Place, Danville, CA 94526.

Future Programs - Do you have an idea for a meeting topic? #011#Contact Vince
Swanson at Farallon Computing at 510-814-5482.#011#You can also reach me at
vswanson on America Online, or vincesw -at- farallon -dot- com on the Internet.

STC Membership Information - Call Ken Evans at 510-935-8148

East Bay STC Meeting location is:

Red Lobster
7300 Amador Plaza Road
Dublin, CA

>From I-580: Take San Ramon Road exit and go north 0.5 miles. At Amador Valley
Road, turn right and go east 0.4 miles to Amador Plaza Road.

>From I-680: Take Alcosta Blvd. exit and go west 0.2 miles. At the first
intersection, turn left onto San Ramon Road and go south 1.3 miles. At Amador
Valley Road, turn left and go east 0.4 miles to Amador Plaza Road.

Networking at 5:30

Dinner at 6:30

Program at 7:30

Meal choices -
Grilled Chicken Breast with dijon sauce - Shrimp and Scampi - Pasta Primavera

Reservations - Call Doug Booth at 510-831-1098.
Send checks to: East Bay STC c/o Doug Booth, 204 Aptos Place, Danville, CA

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