Re: Jack of all trades, master of none?

Subject: Re: Jack of all trades, master of none?
From: Alun Whittaker <alun -at- CORTE-MADERA -dot- GEOQUEST -dot- SLB -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 16:16:21 PST

Michael McClatchey writes:
If there isn't that much money, a camcorder, an S-VHS editing setup
and an Amiga can at least deliver video product.

You miss my point. Even people who want to go that route can and do get
a better deal using sub-contractors.

Sure you can make cheap video if you do everything yourself using only
an S-VHS camcorder and an Amiga (and head & legs, a DAT recorder
with a decent microphone, some lights, filters and lenses, maybe a
steadicam jr, a Video Toaster, dubbing decks, TBCs, some kind of MIDI
keyboard and... well you know what I mean -- the bare minimum). But why?

For the same price or less, you can use exactly what equipment and
facilities you need, have it handled by experienced technicians and
hire whatever creative talent you don't supply yourself: director, writer,
editor, composer, etc. You pay for exactly what you need and only when
you need it. You don't have to pay for it, or carry it on the books,
when you don't need it or something better has become available.
The tax law being what it is, no company wants to tie up capital in
hardware which isn't used fulltime or becomes obsolete in a fraction
of the time needed to amortize it.


P.S. Wow, are we still in TECHWR? Michael, maybe we should take this
discussion over to I-AMIGA before we get told off.

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