for NANCY BURNS: "Let's make it clear" and Copyright

Subject: for NANCY BURNS: "Let's make it clear" and Copyright
From: Randy Allen Harris <raha -at- WATARTS -dot- UWATERLOO -dot- CA>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 17:12:03 -0500

I'm posting this to the list, because my attempt to get it to Nancy bounced.

Nancy: If you didn't obtain Paul's permission to reproduce the article,
you've violated his copyright. And if you didn't, I'd advise you contact
him quickly to apologize (at <trummel -at- u -dot- washington -dot- edu>), and it might be
wise to apologize to the net as well.

Some people appreciate having their ideas spread hither and yon (I do, but
no one ever quotes me), but (beyond the very significant fact that it's
illegal) it's disrespectful to reproduce for the public someone's
copyrighted work without his/her permission. I gather you were just
following someone else's lead, but that doesn't lessen the obligation to
get permission.

Sorry if I'm coming on like a legalistic creep, but it's important.

-------======= * =======-------
Randy Allen Harris
raha -at- watarts -dot- uwaterloo -dot- ca

Rhetoric and Professional Writing, Department of English, University of
Waterloo, Waterloo ON N2L 3G1, CANADA; 519 885-1211, x5362; FAX: 519 884-8995

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