FWD: SMTP delivery error

Subject: FWD: SMTP delivery error
From: Charles Sides <csides -at- FSCVAX -dot- FSC -dot- MASS -dot- EDU>
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1993 13:35:02 EST

Received: by FSCVAX.FSC.MASS.EDU (MX V3.3 VAX) id 10954; Mon, 29 Nov 1993
11:18:55 EST
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1993 11:18:35 EST
From: csides -at- FSCVAX -dot- FSC -dot- MASS -dot- EDU
To: TECHWR-L -at- VMI -dot- ucc -dot- okstate -dot- edu
Message-ID: <00976431 -dot- F1CE18E0 -dot- 10954 -at- FSCVAX -dot- FSC -dot- MASS -dot- EDU>
Subject: JTWC


I have recently been appointed associate editor of the Journal of Technical
Writing and Communication (JTWC), which has been edited for years by David
Carson and Jay Gould before him at RPI. JTWC is one of the oldest and most
prestigious scholarly and professional journals in our field; in order to
maintain this quality, David and I are continually searching for ways to
better serve our profession--by expanding constituencies and by broadening
the topic areas we include.

You can help this process by considering the journal as an outlet for your
publication work. We invite submissions on any subject relevant to technical

Send submissions and/or queries to David L. Carson, Journal of Technical
Writing and Communication, 9 Shepherd Drive, Troy, NY 12180.

If you have any questions about the journal, or if you have announcements
concerning professional opportunities, meetings, etc., please contact me.

Charles Sides (csides -at- fscvax -dot- fsc -dot- mass -dot- edu)
Chair, Department of Communications/Media
Fitchburg State College
Fitchburg, MA 01420

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