Re[2]: Usability -- page numbering

Subject: Re[2]: Usability -- page numbering
From: Bonni Graham <Bonni_Graham_at_Enfin-SD -at- RELAY -dot- PROTEON -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1993 17:38:00 EST

Maria writes:
"If you ever plan to revise your document, you better use
1-1, 1-2 ...
2-1, 2-2 ..."

To this I'd add, "using insert pages" between "document" and the comma. If your
document is saddle-stiched or perfect bound, or even comb or spiral bound,
you're reprinting the whole thing anyway, so why not use fully-consecutive
numbers? Unless your page layout program doesn't support them gracefully...

Bonni Graham | ASCII, n. A tiny tribe of
Technical Writer | Barbarians that achieved its
Easel Corporation, ENFIN Technology Lab | place in history by sacking
Bonni_Graham_at_Enfin-SD -at- relay -dot- proteon -dot- com | the Roman alphabet. The
President, San Diego STC | Ascii were eventually de-
| feated by their enemies,
NOTE: apparently my email address needs | the Gothics, the Uncials,
to be typed exactly as it appears here, | and the Italics.
punctuation and all, or the system gets |
upset. | --Ezra Shapiro

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