Re: Freelance desktop publishing

Subject: Re: Freelance desktop publishing
From: Alexandra Bernstein <ABERNSTE -at- UA1VM -dot- UA -dot- EDU>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1993 22:29:07 CST

I am being asked to read for structural problems and clarity
of meaning, a manuscript for a book on healing the immune system.
It is written for an educated lay person, which is why I was
chosen instead of a medical person. Almost every sentence
needs re-writing, which will come later. What I would like
advice on is what to charge for the two stages.

Stage 1 is reading for meaning and structure - it is hard going
because it is so poorly written. I am charging $15/hr at a rate
of 9 pages/hr. How reasonable is this?

Stage 3 is heavy copyediting and editing. I will average fewer
pages per hour. Don't know yet what it is worth. It is about
240 pages.

Please make any suggestions.



| Alexandra N. Bernstein ! ABERNSTE -at- UA1VM -dot- UA -dot- EDU |
| Simulation & Gaming ! Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, USA |
| 308-C Cedar Crest Apts. ! tel 205-752-0690 |
| (Insert something clever here) |

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