Re: Technical vs. writing knowledge and masochists

Subject: Re: Technical vs. writing knowledge and masochists
From: Shannon Ford <shannon -at- UNIFACE -dot- NL>
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1993 09:39:32 +0100

And, before I get hammered by Bonnie et al on my statement `I did a lot of
writing at university':

They *do* teach you to write in these classes, and when you work hard, get good
grades, and earn praise for your work, you tend to look on the classes as valid
learning experiences.

I agree that simply growing up speaking and learning a language doesn't make
you a great writer; but it doesn't disqualify you from being a good writer,

(Several foreign engineers have advised me not to return to the
States because there I don't have the advantage of being a native English other words, I don't stand a chance of getting a job because in
the States, everyone can write good English)

Shannon Ford
fords -at- uniface -dot- nl

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