On LINGUIST (for Amy and interested others)

Subject: On LINGUIST (for Amy and interested others)
From: randy harris <raha -at- WATARTS -dot- UWATERLOO -dot- CA>
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1993 12:55:52 -0500

In response to Amy's request for information:

LINGUIST is an often technical, but very good, digest-format list about
linguistic issues; it is much more formal, and heavily moderated than
TECHWR-L. Overwhelmingly, the membership consists of professional
linguists, with presences by psychologists, philosophers,
language-teachers, and the like, along with some interested lay-folk. You
can sign on as follows

Send a message to:
Listserv -at- tamvm1 -dot- tamu -dot- edu (if you are on the Internet)
Listserv -at- tamvm1 (if you are on Bitnet)

The message should consist of the following line
subscribe linguist firstname lastname

Ex: subscribe linguist Jane Doe

If you sign on, you'll get a file on how to interact with the list.

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