Americans with Disablities Act

Subject: Americans with Disablities Act
From: Joyce Hammock <HBJ -at- NIHCU -dot- BITNET>
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1993 13:27:56 EST

Hi! I am a "lurker" and infrequent contributor to the list.
I enjoy the threads and associated comments as they have been
a very BIG help in setting down some conventions and standards.

I need the group's advice.

I edit a technical journal for users of our mvs mainframe.

A few months ago, there was a thread which had to do with
The Americans with Disabilities Act, which got me to thinking
about just what are we prepared to do for our readers/users
who have special needs and who also have a need for the
technical information we provide. Short of reproducing our
documentation and journal in a variety of media forms and
making them available, I believe we can make "reasonable
accomodations" by asking our readers with special needs
what their requirements are, and then act upon each one

Have any of you participated in such a project? What is
the correct approach? From my perspective, readers with
special needs, whether they be aural or visual, are very
important, and we have an obligation to meet those needs.

Feel free to respond to me privately, or to the list if
others are interested.

* Joyce M. Hammock *
* Writer/Editor *
* National Institutes of Health *
* Division of Computer Research & Technology *
* HBJ -at- nihcu (BITNET) *
* HBJ -at- cu -dot- nih -dot- gov (Internet) *

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