Hypercard Scripting

Subject: Hypercard Scripting
From: Linda Wolf <tscom010 -at- DUNX1 -dot- OCS -dot- DREXEL -dot- EDU>
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1993 11:16:31 EST

I am cross-listing this message from <ECOLOG-L -at- UMDD -dot- UMD -dot- EDU>, the ecology
list, because it seems a question the tech writer's list could answer.
Since Gwen Pearson is not signed up on tech writers, answers should
probably be sent to her personal address.

i am looking for info on hypercard scripting--either good books or
stack creators. if you have any info, please pass it on to the address
i am putting together an invert stack for my studetns to review with.
anyone interested in collaborating/helping?

pearson_g -at- gusher -dot- pb -dot- utexas -dot- edu
Linda Wolf
Drexel University

tscom010 -at- dunx1 -dot- ocs -dot- drexel -dot- edu

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