Re: Worst Manual Contest

Subject: Re: Worst Manual Contest
From: Scott James George <sgeorge -at- CITI -dot- UMICH -dot- EDU>
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1993 20:59:29 GMT

Sigh. This obnoxious bit of trash (Worst Manual Contest) has resurfaced.

I was happy to hear at the annual STC conference that this newsgroup
had formed. What a great source of information and support.

At the risk of sounding like a stick-in-the-mud, is this contest a constructive
way to improve the quality of our manuals?

As a rule, I LIKE my fellow writers, and I realize that most of us do the
best we can, under *challenging* conditions. Most of us have had to
deal with ill-fated projects, wishing in vain that we had more time and
administrative support to turn out better work.

I'm not going to slam any of my peers for a T-shirt reeking of geek humor.

IMHO, it is entirely appropriate to criticize software products and manuals
in this newsgroup. Bad products can be real time sinks, and I am grateful to
those who relay information in order to save others of us from misery. I just
feel that there are more informative--and professional--ways of doing so.

I apologize to anyone who read my similar posting on the Frame newsgroup.

I again relinquish my soapbox.


P.S.--Anyone know if the med. newsgroup has a "worst surgery of the
year" contest?

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