What do you call wordless technical procedures?

Subject: What do you call wordless technical procedures?
From: Svi Ben-Elya <svi -at- svi -dot- co -dot- il>
To: techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 10:40:28 +0200

1. I am looking for a name that describes the type of symbolic drawings used to describe assembly of consumer products. I am not referring to exploding diagrams or technical drawings from CAD programs.

2. Does anyone know of a training program for this? Theory? Techniques?

3. Please send me offline or CC me at technical-writer -dot- haifa -at- philips -dot- com . I receive the digest and I need responses before a meeting on training for the coming year.

Thank you in advance,

Svi Ben-Elya

- Svi Ben-Elya -
svi -at- ieee -dot- org and svi -at- svi -dot- co -dot- il
Fax: +972-1534-9890532


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