RE: Windows Vista and FrameMaker

Subject: RE: Windows Vista and FrameMaker
From: "Combs, Richard" <richard -dot- combs -at- Polycom -dot- com>
To: "Michael Johnson" <k7rvx -at- yahoo -dot- com>, <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 12:04:15 -0600

Michael Johnson wrote:

> I work for a government contractor at Hill Air Force Base, Utah.  Right now
> we're running FM7.2 on XP Professional.  Seems to work OK.
> So far we've been able to fend off Vista, but it's coming, and SOON.
> We're wondering whether FM 7.2 is going to work, or if any version of FM
> will work when Vista arrives.
> Please respond to me personally and I will summarize for the list.

Mike, as you probably noticed, when responders use Reply All, the message goes to both you and the list, and that fosters dialog.

Geoff's opinions regarding FM versions are arguable (as the responses indicate), but what he said regarding Windows versions really isn't. The Windows 7 beta was widely used and the reviews are in. Everyone from Microsoft's harshest critics to the biggest fanboys agrees that it is indeed "Vista done right." It's far faster, less of a resource hog, and much more user-friendly. Windows 7 is finally going to pry people away from Windows XP, which many of us (including countless corporations) have desperately clung to in order to avoid Vista.

Due to pressure from big customers, MS repeatedly extended the life of XP, allowing the major vendors like Dell to sell new PCs with an XP "downgrade." I predict there will be no one clamoring for extending the life of Vista, and it will be interred in short order.

With the October release of Windows 7 right around the corner, it would be foolish and short-sighted to abandon the stable and solid XP for the headaches of a soon-to-be-obsolete Vista.

Oh, wait -- you guys are working for the government. Foolish and short-sighted may be mandated. :-}


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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