Re: What applications can edit HPJ files?

Subject: Re: What applications can edit HPJ files?
From: Bill Swallow <techcommdood -at- gmail -dot- com>
To: Sarah Blake <Sarah -dot- Blake -at- microfocus -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 09:45:25 -0400

>> Collect the source files and produce HTML
>> Help output or later, as WinHelp support is dwindling fast. The
>> version of Word you are using doesn't matter with regard to the HPJ.
> That's only true if I can find a non-RoboHelp way to open the project :)

Yes and no. You can compile using the WinHelp compiler.

>> As to your bigger problem, how did you end up with a version of
>> RoboHelp that is incompatible with your version of Word?
> Easy; all this documentation has been inherited from an acquisition.
> The previous technical writer was using RH X5 with Word 2003, which was
> fine, but when they brought me on board to replace her they gave me a
> better laptop with, of course, the latest version of Word.  (I don't
> have access to her laptop because it's on a different continent).

Ah, easy solution. "The writer who worked on these had an older
version of Word. I need either that version to continue using their
project files or I need an upgrade of RoboHelp to work with my version
of Word so I can import the old projects into a form I can use.
Otherwise I can't do anything with these files."

> In the long term we intend to convert all of the acquisition's
> documentation into XML, but that ain't happening for this release!

Agreed, that's a future headache. ;)

Bill Swallow

Twitter: @techcommdood

Available for contract and full time opportunities.

STC Ideas:

Free Software Documentation Project Web Cast: Covers developing Table of
Contents, Context IDs, and Index, as well as Doc-To-Help
2009 tips, tricks, and best practices.

Help & Manual 5: The complete help authoring tool for individual
authors and teams. Professional power, intuitive interface. Write
once, publish to 8 formats. Multi-user authoring and version control!

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What applications can edit HPJ files?: From: Sarah Blake
Re: What applications can edit HPJ files?: From: Bill Swallow
RE: What applications can edit HPJ files?: From: Sarah Blake

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