RE: Certificates from school or from professional training?

Subject: RE: Certificates from school or from professional training?
From: r k <rkwongwebring -at- yahoo -dot- com>
To: techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 11:00:30 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks. I did search the archives before posting my question, but the discussions about education/certification that I found seemed to be about how to create a certification program, whether creating a complete one was even possible, whether such programs could truly teach a writer any practical skills, or whether employers should or should not take certifications into account.

What I was focusing on was how, in the course of my looking for a job, to overcome the apparent bias of some employers who *do* seem to take degrees/education into account, related experience notwithstanding. I'll continue to look through the archives.


"Karen L. Zorn" <k -dot- zorn -at- zorntech -dot- com> wrote: RK wrote:
>>I'm thinking of taking some courses in technical writing, because while I
have a lot of confidence in my ability to perform and/or learn technical
writing on the job, I don't have specific training or past job descriptions
that I can point to in my resume. I have a science/tech background and my
jobs have included--but not focused on--writing for a technical audience,
and it seems employers are looking for something "official."

Here we go, again! This topic come up it seems monthly. Please, please,
please, research the archives for answers in minute detail.

Karen L. Zorn
Zorn Technologies, Inc.
Mesa, AZ

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RE: Certificates from school or from professional training?: From: Karen L. Zorn

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