Re: Ventura
So, does anyone use Ventura Publisher out there? Ver 10?
I needed to change a version number of a manual... as a result, I want
to rename the folder it lives in. If I do that, all the pictures in the
manual will be lost because it references their location too.
In the old versions of VP, you could get into the chapter file and edit
it accordingly, but they changed the way they do it, and I no longer
know how to edit that info.
Any ideas?
Speaking of which... when I change to FrameMaker soon, how does IT
handle these things?
No idea about Ventura, sorry.
Frame - I found no direct way of doing it when I had to edit several
docs (not a book):
Save As MIF, use Cygwin-based sed to change the paths to images to the
new images. Open the edited version of the file, check that it all
works fine, retire the old version.
This approach also came in handy when I needed to prune a humongous
collection of image files, many of which weren't used by any of the
files I was editing.
WebWorks ePublisher Pro for Word features support for every major Help format plus PDF, HTML and more. Flexible, precise, and efficient content delivery. Try it today!
Easily create HTML or Microsoft Word content and convert to any popular Help file format or printed documentation. Learn more at
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Ventura: From: Mike Schmidt
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