Re: FM 5.5 TOCs
I would *love* to upgrade. Unfortunately, Adobe has abandoned Mac
support. And I've not found anything to replace FM with, so I'm
stuck in the dark ages.
Fred, thanks for the breakdown. I have a <$pagenum> building block,
but perhaps I didn't define it correctly. I'll take another look.
(And, yes, it's actually 5.5.6.)
At 8:28 PM -0400 8/12/06, Lou Quillio wrote:
>Fred Ridder wrote:
>> And you really should consider upgrading from v5.5
>Jesus, yes. Assuming it's not your own money and you have to live
>with Frame sometimes (yech), multiple-undo is worth a couple hundred
>bucks by itself.
>Unless you wear single-undo like a badge.
>If so, I have some WordStar questions for you. Not.
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RE: FM 5.5 TOCs: From: Fred Ridder
Re: FM 5.5 TOCs: From: Lou Quillio
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