Re: Frame Maker deletes my changes when updating the index
If you put stuff into your index's body pages by hand, FM will delete it
when it regenerates the index.
I'm not sure why you need "continued" at the top of columns. I don't
think this is a standard indexing style. Maybe I can suggest some
alternatives; please explain more.
See and see also should be part of the index marker itself. You should
not manually add this to the index. I can explain this in more detail if
you need it. It's also explained in the Help (at least for 7.1).
If you want to preserve your manual page and column breaks, you should
look into using the CudSpan TOCBreaker add-in.
Joe Malin
Technical Writer
jmalin -at- tuvox -dot- com
The views expressed in this document are those of the sender, and do not
necessarily reflect those of TuVox, Inc.
-----Original Message-----
From: techwr-l-bounces+jmalin=tuvox -dot- com -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com
[mailto:techwr-l-bounces+jmalin=tuvox -dot- com -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com] On Behalf
Of Yoann Le Bleis
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 9:00 AM
To: techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com
Subject: Frame Maker deletes my changes when updating the index
How can I prevent Frame Maker from deleting the text I add in the index
I update it?
I lose my "continued" on top of columns and my "see" and "see also"...
Can somebody help me?
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