Fwd: Acceptance of Mediocre Documentation

Subject: Fwd: Acceptance of Mediocre Documentation
From: Anonymous Poster <techwhirlanonpost -at- yahoo -dot- com>
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 14:47:43 -0700 (PDT)

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I have worked as a technical writer for five years,
both as a contractor and full time employee. In all of
my work environments with the exception of one, I have
encountered an acceptance of mediocre documentation.
For example, I?ve been assigned to re-write or edit
existing documentation, I will challenge disorganized
content, misleading headings, inappropriate or
unnecessary information, etc. I am challenging
relevant pitfalls of documentation; I?m not disputing
stylistic issues such as should we use Times New Roman
versus Garamond. Ninety-nine percent of the responses
from my boss or the reviewer of the document have
been: ?Well, we?re not going for perfection? or ?It
isn?t that bad.? I?m extremely frustrated with this
attitude and becoming discouraged because this has
happened several times at several places. After a
month on most jobs, I find myself totally discouraged
because I am in an environment where a half-hearted
effort is not only accepted, but praised. I once
applied styles to a document and I was praised
repeatedly as if I had salvaged the company from
bankruptcy; they granted me a six-month extension
citing this as one of the reasons.

I?ve racked my brain as to why wouldn?t the PTB want
clearer, more effective documentation. Most of the
items that I suggest affect only my workload. I can?t
understand this acceptance for something less than the
best, especially in my current position. I have been
here for a month and have been given very miniscule
tasks; my boss says she doesn?t want to overwhelm me.
I explained to her that I can take on more work, but
she insists I take it slow. When I finally got a real
assignment, all my suggestions were ignored and
considered unnecessary. Mind you, my suggestions were
things that I was willing to do and didn?t result in
any cost to the company. I keep sitting here thinking,
?Why was I hired??

The irony of it all is at that at all the places I?ve
worked (including my current position), I have been
well-paid, extended longer contracts, and rewarded
with gifts and other perks. When I discuss this with
my circle of friends (who are not writers), they
typically respond, ?You are such a brat. You are being
well-paid. If they don?t want to give you challenging
work, don?t complain. Enjoy it.? I tried to take this
approach, but my love and passion for writing prevents
me from embracing this philosophy.

How do the rest of you deal with praise and/or
acceptance for underachieving performance and mediocre
documentation? Should I expect this attitude in a
corporate environment and seriously consider other
options such as consulting? Am I being overzealous
because I want things clearer, more usable?

Any and all comments and suggestions are greatly

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