Re: title caps and API documentation
might end up with something like "Using refreshData under High Latency", which looks weird.
As a sometimes-programmer, this doesn't look weird to me at all. It would look REALLY WEIRD if the heading was capitalized according to the demands of the Chicago style manual, which was written to address academic needs rather than computer API documentation.
Would you change the capitalization of a French or German word to meet English usage standards? If not, then I would suggest not doing it with computer languages, either. They are not in English, even though they appear to have English root stock.
It also helps to know the usage model for the document. This is API documentation, but API manuals are used in different ways. The heading above could only come from a usage manual, say The Blahblah API User's Guide. For reference material, every engineer I have talked to (including myself... yes, I talk to myself) vastly prefers functions to be presented in a framework structured according to the interface itself, with individual functions presented in alpha order. This makes functions very easy to find in the TOC without resorting to an index. In other words, if you end up with a TOC that looks like this:
4.2 BlahblahMaker
4.2.1 forgetData
4.2.2 readData
4.2.3 refreshData
4.2.4 sendData
4.2.5 writeData
then you are on the right track. (In my opinion, naturally.)
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title caps and API documentation (was: English 101): From: Monica Cellio
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