Re: Quality
Try googling for TQM...
A while back I took a continuing-ed certification in TQM at my local
university. We used this textbook:
Total Quality Management, by Joel E. Ross. 1995. ISBN: 1-884095-08-5.
Based on recent job descriptions, position announcements, and professional association meeting agendas, the Quality flavor of the month is "Six Sigma".
I browsed through several shelves of quality system books at two local universities last week, and all the new books (2002-2004) had Six Sigma either in the title or in the back-cover blurb. A quick scan of the contents showed that most of the current Six Sigma books have pretty much the same introductory chapters as the late '80s and early '90s books on TQM.
Kat Nagel, MasterWork Consulting
katnagel -at- masterworkconsulting -dot- com
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