Re: Ellipses
I don't know when Word added the 1/4-em space to its
Special Characters menu, but it's in WinWord 2k, and it
means we've got em-, en- and thin-spaces to play with.
Good to know.
Another fine-tuning strategy is to insert a regular
space and then tweak the font size.
This works locally, but it is not stable for copy/paste between apps, fonts, documents, . . . .
You can get pretty close to real page composition in Word,
if you've the inclination.
That's true. However, (a) it's annoying as hell that Microsoft's default settings are an embodiment of the Anti-Comp; and (b) that they make it so hard to access the controls you need. I find it much easier, when a good-looking page is part of the desired deliverable, to import Word docs into an application conceived by printers rather than by typists.
There's nothing wrong with producing
great-looking pages for your clear, accurate, complete, user-
assistance material. But watch out for the "anti-font-fondler"
police -- like the Knights Who Say Ni, they may be watching. Be
prepared to give them a shrubbery. A nice one, but not too
I say it's spinach and I say the hell with it.
Legal English (was RE: Using M-dash and N-dash?): From: Downing, David
Legal English? (take II): From: Geoff Hart
Ellipses: From: Zola
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