Re: Using M-dash and N-dash
...a bunch of writers sitting around a table arguing over
formatting instead of getting their hands on product and
creating content, or worse, holding up the completion of a
doc set whose product is ready to ship.
I see. Anyone who cares about effective communication can't possibly be producing anything valuable. Yeah, that must be right.
Sorry, but "on time" and "meets content objectives" trumps
"looks more professional" most every time.
Does your inner "irate manager" have any problem with those of us who deliver all three?
Unless the doc looks as if it was written by a 6th grade
dropout, it ships by deadline.
(Note to self: Remember to propose the "Sixth-Grade Dropout Test" to my best clients. If they balk, berate them for wasting time on formatting.)
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- Re: Using M-dash and N-dash, Gene Kim-Eng
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