Re: MS Word--Formatting text in cross reference fields
We've gotten around this by finding each cross reference field, selecting
it, and manually removing the bold format. I'm hoping there's an easier
way, such as changing the basic format of the cross reference fields (so
that text in the field is always formatted as regular text, regardless of
the format of the Figure xx).
With field codes showing, make sure each cross-reference field includes
You'll still have to format each field as normal text, but only once. From then on, Word will "remember" the formatting and preserve it when you update fields prior to publication.
I don't think the Insert, Cross-Reference command offers the mergeformat option, but the Insert, Field command does: choose the REF (or whatever) field type, and check the option labeled
Preserve formatting during updates
Note: These instructions describe the process in Word 2000, but I assume it's similar in more recent versions.
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