Re: Mac OS X 10.2.6 (Jaguar) compliant help
I have made a Web help for Jaguar using RoboHelp X3. The Web help uses
HTML frames. Since, Apple HelpViewer (the default help viewer for Jaguar)
is based on HTML 3.2, I added some Javascript snippet to make frames work
in AppleHelp viewer. My questions:
Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar)'s Help Viewer does not support JavaScript. (Help Viewer in the latest release, 10.3 (Panther) does support JavaScript and HTML 4.0 etc)
b. What are the other tools available for creating Online Help (specially
for Macintosh OS)? Any suggestions.
It's just HTML, so most authors use whatever they're already doing to author for the Web. GoLive, Dreamweaver, BBedit, and so on.
By the way, there's a list specifically for questions about Apple Help. Go to and sign up for Apple Help Authoring.
Best Regards,
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