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Subject:Re: slightly OT -- IEEE memberships? From:"George F. Hayhoe" <george -at- ghayhoe -dot- com> To:"TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com> Date:Sat, 27 Jan 2001 13:56:44 -0500
Bob Morrissette said:
<<IEEE membership includes a e-mail address.>>
Actually, IEEE members are eligible for an optional e-mail
alias that will point to a personal or business e-mail account.
IEEE Computer Society members (whether IEEE member or IEEE Computer
Society affiliate) are eligible for an optional e-mail
Under the IEEE umbrella organization, there are 40 societies and
technical councils. IEEE members may join one or more societies or
councils in addition to their basic IEEE membership for an additional
fee per society/council. People who don't belong to IEEE can join IEEE
societies as affiliate members. IEEE Computer Society affiliates
receive the e-mail alias benefit; affiliates of IEEE
societies do not receive the alias benefit or any other
general IEEE benefit (such as the Financial Advantage insurance and
investment plans).
Membership in IEEE and its societies /councils (such as the IEEE
Professional Communication Society or the IEEE Computer Society) may
offer significant advantages to some technical communicators in the
form of publications, conferences, and networking. Moreover, IEEE
membership carries a cachet in some companies and with some engineers.
--George Hayhoe (george -at- ghayhoe -dot- com or g -dot- hayhoe -at- ieee -dot- org)
President, IEEE Professional Communication Society
Winner of Three APEX 2000
Awards for Publication Excellence
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Conference East, June 4-5, Baltimore/Washington D.C. area. or toll-free 877/278-2131.
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