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Subject:Re: Doc mgmt for PPT slides??? From:Dianne Blake <write-it -at- home -dot- com> To:"TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com> Date:Mon, 22 Jan 2001 19:40:41 -0800
Dick Margulis wrote:
For those of you who have marcomm responsibilities, how do you keep a
handle on version control for PowerPoint slides?
Marcomm is not my specialty, but I've worked in a department that used
PPT for our training materials. We had one particular trainer who
insisted on going in and changing our master files before getting an
okay. So typically, I kept my own copy on my laptop.
But the way it was suppose to work was:
1. A copy of the latest and greatest master file would be placed in
our temporary directory.
2. If we wanted to make changes to the course, we were suppose to
get approval (via our approval process).
3. The changes would be made to the temporary directory.
4. The changes would be reviewed and approved.
5. The approved changes would go to the master directory.
6. The file in the master directory was then copied down to the
temporary directory - thus ensuring that the latest and
greatest, approved file was available for additional updates.
When we would prepare for our next class, we would download the file
from the master directory.
There was a solution to allowing the guy to change the master files,
but our manager seemed reluctant to take away his editing privileges
from that directory. He should have had his access restricted via
system admin.
If you are dealing with marcomm materials, you probably have people
who have files on their laptops. You might want to require them to
download the master file from time to time. Definitely don't allow
them to save to the master directory. Take control of the master
directory and set some procedures in place to manage access to
temporary directories as well. I hope this helps.
Dianne Blake
Consultant, Writer and Trainer
write-it -at- home -dot- com
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