TechWhirl (TECHWR-L) is a resource for technical writing and technical communications professionals of all experience levels and in all industries to share their experiences and acquire information.
For two decades, technical communicators have turned to TechWhirl to ask and answer questions about the always-changing world of technical communications, such as tools, skills, career paths, methodologies, and emerging industries. The TechWhirl Archives and magazine, created for, by and about technical writers, offer a wealth of knowledge to everyone with an interest in any aspect of technical communications.
Robert Nimchuck asked:
My question to everyone is this: are the principles of "information mapping"
important in what we do (as writers) or has it been effectively marketed to
make us think we need it?
My own opinion is that "information mapping" is simply a copyrighted
buzzword that is based on a writing methodology that writers have used all
What do you think?
And I reply that there was an extensive and occasionally emotional
discussion of Info Mapping on the list fairly recently (within the past few
months, at least), which covered this in painful detail. Several people,
including me, wrote fairly long responses.
I think you'll find your concerns well addressed in the TECHWR-L archives.
Happy digging! It should turn up the info (mapped and unmapped) that you're
looking for.
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