RE: Framemaker, Word and Robohelp
It seems that today we have about the same
number of people involved in the process but they are all trying to be jacks
or jills of all trades and usually master none of them.
As others have said, that's only true at the mid- to large-size companies. In the startups and smaller companies I've worked in, everybody had to do everything to get the project done, and, when we were lucky, there was budget or time to bring in a contract graphic designer, publisher, or even editor (usually we cross-edited each other's work).
So I'll have to speak from the "Jan of all trades" camp. I just finished a day of intensive writing, editing, online help publishing, and a quick bout of JavaScript programming to open my help window to the correct size regardless of the screen size. I'm still a writer deep down (in spite of the rush when the JavaScript code worked), but these days, many of us have to have a collection of skills, whenever they're needed.
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