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Vanilla HTML editors (commercial), WYSIWYG and non?
Subject:Vanilla HTML editors (commercial), WYSIWYG and non? From:"Deborah Snavely" <dsnavely -at- Aurigin -dot- com> To:"TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com> Date:Mon, 15 Jan 2001 17:06:22 -0800
Hello the Whirlers,
I need to identify some choices for (Windows 98/NT/2000) HTML editing
software that:
...uses only HTML 3.2 vanilla tags (Not anything from Microsoft!) easy for all those Word-dependent office folks to use or learn
quickly business-affordable and has quality documentation and support
I need to propose one or more HTML-editing tools for the dozens or
hundreds of content contributors in our company who aren't developers
(most of them), but are writing most of the web content for a new
industry-specific portal. The tools need to stay out of the way of the
content, while providing basic HTML tags for headings, bold and italic,
bulleted and numbered lists and simple tables. (I figure that, if you
couldn't write it in HTML 3.2, we won't need it, and maybe that's too
much choice. The interface is in the hands of developers who are
handling all the CSS and JavaScript for the UI.)
I've been told that Dreamweaver doesn't add code, but it's up to 4.0 and
the 1.2 version I've been using is no longer even vaguely
representative. Apart from that, the only such tools I know of generate
colored HTML code (like Netscape Composer and PageSpinner and
BBEdit)...something that's likely to confuse, intimidate, or terrify
most of the content-generators involved.
Suggestions? I'll be happy to collate the results into a list. I rather
expected this to be an FAQ, but I don't find it in the archives.
Deborah Snavely
Document Architect, Technical Publications,
Aurigin Systems, Inc.
Develop HTML-Based Help with Macromedia Dreamweaver 4 ($100 STC Discount)
**WEST COAST LOCATIONS** San Jose (Mar 1-2), San Francisco (Apr 16-17) or 800-646-9989.
Sponsored by DigiPub Solutions Corp, producers of PDF 2001
Conference East, June 4-5, Baltimore/Washington D.C. area. or toll-free 877/278-2131.
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